Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Beginning

Hi, I'm Paula. If you're reading this, you probably know me. If not, glad to, er, meet you. Now that the niceties are done, here's the story:
I FINALLY made my way through Julie & Julia - the book - not the blog (I will do that sometime, though). It took forever because, I'm sorry, Julie was not someone I really liked reading about. However, I loved her idea of cooking her way through a cookbook and blogging about it.

Julie cooked to find herself. I'm cooking because 1.) I need to learn to cook and 2.) I just moved to Duncan, Oklahoma, and am a little bored. I need a hobby. Plus I'm curious if I can actually stick with something for an entire year.

So, to feed my need, I'm totally copy-catting Julie's idea. I have no desire to cook French food (I'm still angry at the French for not supporting our fight against the food sounds atrocious), so I'm going to meander my way through the "Southern Living Homestyle Cookbook." I'll even post the recipes. Maybe.

According to the cover, there are "more than 400 mouth-watering, made-with-love recipes." We'll see how much love is left in me when I have to fry a turkey. Will I make it through the 400+ recipes before September 1, 2010? It'll be a nail-biter.

The first chapter is Southern heritage treasures. My first endeavor, to be made tonight, will be Creole red beans & rice. I'm liking this project already.

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